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Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

We need to talk about Scattergories and Dessert Dip.

First off, Scattergories. I invited some friends over for a board game brunch to try out party food ideas with the bajillion (roughly) new Town House cracker varieties and we played Scattergories, one of my favorite games. You roll a letter and then have to come up with words that start with that letter for each prompt on your list. The prompts are things like sports teams or things you put in the refrigerator. I’m usually great at it, but have you ever rolled an I? I thought J was the hardest letter, but I gave it a run for its money. About a minute into the round, someone paused and announced, “There are no words that start with I.” Perhaps that’s a touch hyperbolic, but at that moment, I was tempted to agree.

Also, don’t think for one second that you’re the only clever cookie writing down ascot for things you wear that start with “A.” Because every single person wrote down ascot. How does that happen? How is ascot still part of our vernacular?

Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

For state names that start with “S,” I seriously could NOT think of one. NOT ONE. Finally, with seconds to spare, I came up with South Dakota.


At this juncture, I should confess that I live in North Carolina. You know, right above SOUTH CAROLINA. I am amazing. Two other people also put South Dakota, but they were being strategic, since they thought everyone would immediately think of South Carolina. Right. That’s why I did it, too. Ahem.

Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

The Board Game Brunch taught me how terrible I am at geography, but it also taught me about DESSERT DIPS, so I forgive it. I knew my friend Alyssa of Desseratholics Bakery was bringing over her delicious Spinach Artichoke dip, so I wanted to do something really different. I thought of a ton of savory possibilities before eyeing the bag of thawed blueberries in my fridge. Eureka!

Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip Alyssa’s amazing Spinach Artichoke Dip. Go get her delicious recipe here.

I knew the buttery Town House Original crackers would be delicious dipped in something sweet, so I went for a lemony, cloudlike dip with blueberries mixed in. I also crumbled homemade shortbread over top. Lots of savory dips have a cheesy breadcrumb topping, so why shouldn’t dessert dips have their own version? And oh wow, it was delicious. Our savory and sweet dips (plus a big pitcher of mimosas and lots and lots of Town House Parmesan Herb Pretzel Thins, which I cannot stop eating) made the perfect little board game brunch “meal.”

Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake DipHave you ever tried a dessert dip? Friends on the Willow Bird Facebook page have mentioned a key lime “cheesecake ball” (instead of cheese ball, get it?) and a yogurt and chocolate chip dip. What others have you tried? I have a feeling this is the beginning of a deep dessert dip love affair.

One year ago: Bailey’s Mint Oreo Icebox Cake
Two years ago: Bailey’s Hazelnut Chocolate Tiramisu
Three years ago: Tres Leches Coconut Cake Trifle
Four years ago: Soft Pretzel Dogs
Five years ago: Best Blueberry Pie with Foolproof Pie Dough
Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

5 from 1 reviews
Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip
Prep time
Total time
Ohhhhh you guys. This dip is HEAVENLY. It's a light, fluffy lemon masterpiece with plump, cold blueberries throughout. The shortbread crumble on top is an absolute necessity. Wowza, you have to try it. I serve with Town House Original Crackers because they're super buttery and taste amazing with dessert dips!
Shortbread Crumble Ingredients:
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup butter
Dip Ingredients:
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon extract
  • zest of one lemon, divided
  • yellow food coloring as desired (I used maybe 5 drops?)
  • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen blueberries, thawed but still cold (plus more for topping)
  • Town House Original Crackers for serving
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Line an 8-inch square baking pan with a foil sling. Process the flour, powdered sugar, and salt together for a few seconds before adding in the chunks of cold butter. Cut the butter into the flour mixture with about 6-8 pulses or until it looks like small peas. Press the mixture into the baking dish with the flat bottom of a glass or small dish. Bake for 20 minutes or until very lightly browning. Let cool completely on a wire rack. I remove my shortbread (using the sling) from the pan after about 30 minutes to let it cool the rest of the way. When the shortbread is completely cool, you can crumble it.
  2. In a chilled large bowl, whip the heavy cream, powdered sugar, lemon extract, lemon zest (save a little for topping), and food coloring (if desired) together to stiff peaks. In a separate large bowl, beat the cream cheese until fluffy and light. Stir in about 1/3 of the whipped cream into the cream cheese to lighten it up a little more. Then fold in the rest of the whipped cream very gently until the dip is well combined. Gently stir in the blueberries, letting them marbleize your gorgeous dip. Pile the mixture into a serving dish and top with lots of shortbread crumbles (I used a cute bowl in photos above, but next time I'll use a wider, shallower dish so that the shortbread crumbles top more dip surface area). Serve with Town House Original Crackers.

“From presentably munch-able options, to dipping inspiration, to versatile possibilities, we have the variety that will help her stylishly host any type of gathering — from planned to impromptu.”
Thanks, Kellogg’s Town House!

10 Comments on Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

  1. AliciaM
    March 12, 2015 at 7:03 am (10 years ago)

    1) this sounds so fun! Now *I* want to host a board game brunch!
    2) I had to google ascot.
    3) I cannot wait to make this and love that I have everything for it already, except the lemon extract!
    4) LOVE this picture of you.

  2. Jackie
    March 12, 2015 at 7:15 am (10 years ago)

    I never would have thought of a cheesecake dip. This sounds and looks great!

  3. Melissa Falk
    March 12, 2015 at 9:30 am (10 years ago)

    I love all lemon + blueberry desserts. This dip is a very cool idea. Thanks!

  4. Kirsten
    March 12, 2015 at 10:32 am (10 years ago)

    I am all about Dip Dinners, but I have never thought past the dinner portion into the dessert! I think this is a great idea, and having the sweet dip paired with a salty cracker sounds wonderful.

  5. heather @french press
    March 12, 2015 at 10:53 am (10 years ago)

    board game brunch – hoe FUN!! and I could live on crackers and dip alone – no questions asked

  6. Carla
    March 12, 2015 at 5:31 pm (10 years ago)

    Ha I’m the same way when I play Scattergories. As soon as everyone shares answers, I come up with 10 possibles I could have used just seconds earlier. Apparently I don’t think well under pressure 😉 Oh and dessert dips are totally a thing. I do them all the time. Adding this lemon blueberry version to my list!

  7. Catherine
    March 12, 2015 at 7:19 pm (10 years ago)

    Dear Julie, You really did such a fantastic job with this post. The dip looks incredible and so much fun! It would last very long around me! xo, Catherine

  8. Joanie @ ZagLeft
    March 13, 2015 at 10:19 am (10 years ago)

    I love the thought of a cheesecake dip! This looks fantastic.

  9. a snowsprite
    March 13, 2015 at 2:28 pm (10 years ago)

    Mmmmm, This needs to share space in my brain with the pumpkin fluff I made for new years. It’s intirely possible I could live on dips.


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