Raspberry Sorbet Mimosa Float
Thanks, Le Grand Courtâge, for sponsoring the development of this Raspberry Sorbet Mimosa Float recipe!

Raspberry Sorbet Mimosa Float

Recipe by: Willow Bird Baking
Yield: 4 mimosa floats

Make these simple mimosas — perfect for 4 servings! — with mini-bottles of champagne. Don’t stop there, though: use raspberry sorbet to make incredible mimosa floats!

1 (187-mL) mini-bottle Le Grand Courtâge champagne
3/4 cup pulp-free orange juice
1/4 cup triple sec
raspberry sorbet
raspberries (optional)

Pour the champagne into one measuring cup and the triple sec into another. Pour orange juice into the triple sec until the liquid reaches the 1 cup line. Pour this into the champagne, which will mix the two (don’t stir or you’ll release precious carbonation.)

Dish up 2 scoops of sorbet into two ice cream dishes and pour a generous helping of mimosa over each one. Top with raspberries and serve immediately.

5 Comments on Raspberry Sorbet Mimosa Float

  1. Julia
    September 12, 2014 at 10:20 am (10 years ago)

    That is a beautiful drink!

  2. Barbara Jean Murray
    September 12, 2014 at 10:17 pm (10 years ago)

    Veridgre, Nebraska visiting family, and I was waiting for my husband to finishing shaving (he had just flown in the night before from Sao Paulo, Brazil where we had been serving duty for the US Department of State) I turned on the TV just as they were showing the first Tower burning, and as I watched the next plane hit the second Tower. I hollered at my husband “Planes are being flown into the World Trade Towers!!!” We both knew that with the second plane it was no accident. He got on the phone right away to ask the State Department if they needed him to fly to Washington DC. The lines were busy, and when he did get through, they told him to stand fast, no flights were going anywhere. We stayed home and were glued to the TV all day.

  3. Michelle Rittler | Taste As You Go
    September 18, 2014 at 9:00 am (10 years ago)

    I was in my senior year of college, and, that morning, I was rushing through the main corridor of the Business Center, praying that I wouldn’t be late for my Intro to Law class. I slowed down when I noticed groups of students huddled around the televisions that were tuned to CNN, but I didn’t slow down long enough to learn what they were actually looking at. It wasn’t until our TA come running into the lecture hall to announce that the WTC had been hit by a plane that I realized what was on those TVs only a few minutes ago. Needless to say, the lecture hall emptied immediately, and I ran back to my off-campus house to watch news coverage with my roommates for the rest of the day.

    With that said… This mimosa float looks absolutely lovely. Like the perfect treat to make for yourself after a particularly horrible day. Love the color of that sorbet!


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