Willow Bird Baking - Page 35 of 127 - lessons in life & kitchen confidence Willow Bird Baking - Page 35 of 127 - lessons in life & kitchen confidence

Lemon Blueberry Fluff Bars

Thanks to Philadelphia Cream Cheese for sponsoring this post.

Lemon Blueberry Fluff Bars
Lemon Blueberry Fluff Bars

Coconut Cream Gooey Butter Cake

Coconut Cream Gooey Butter Cake
Coconut Cream Gooey Butter Cake

Coconut Cheesecake Breakfast Braid

Thanks to Philadelphia Cream Cheese for sponsoring this post.

Coconut Cheesecake Breakfast Braid
Coconut Cheesecake Breakfast Braid

Hot Cheesy Shrimp Dip

Hot Cheesy Shrimp Dip
Hot Cheesy Shrimp Dip

Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

Thanks to Kellogg’s for sponsoring this post.

Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip Lemon Blueberry Shortbread Cheesecake Dip

We need to talk about Scattergories and Dessert Dip.

First off, Scattergories. I invited some friends over for a board game brunch to try out party food ideas with the bajillion (roughly) new Town House cracker varieties and we played Scattergories, one of my favorite games. You roll a letter and then have to come up with words that start with that letter for each prompt on your list. The prompts are things like sports teams or things you put in the refrigerator. I’m usually great at it, but have you ever rolled an I? I thought J was the hardest letter, but I gave it a run for its money. About a minute into the round, someone paused and announced, “There are no words that start with I.” Perhaps that’s a touch hyperbolic, but at that moment, I was tempted to agree.

Also, don’t think for one second that you’re the only clever cookie writing down ascot for things you wear that start with “A.” Because every single person wrote down ascot. How does that happen? How is ascot still part of our vernacular?


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