Last night around midnight, I was poking about online and found this super-easy, flourless peanut butter cookie recipe. I immediately ran out and measured my peanut butter . . . juuuust shy of a cup! Of course! Not to be deterred, I threw Byrd in the car (actually, I let her jump into the car herself) and drove to the grocery store to pick up some extra peanut butter, along with things I’ll need for my savory cupcakes this weekend (stay tuned for these! I’m hoping they’re going to be amazing!)
I was excited about this recipe because of the possibility of making a weekday snack. I eat lower carb during the week, and since they have no flour, these cookies (when made with sugar-free peanut butter and Splenda) are low carb. About 125 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates per cookie, to be exact.
The only issue I was concerned about is the effect these substitutions would have. Natural peanut butter can be oilier or drier (depending on how well-mixed your jar is) than regular processed peanut butter, and Splenda works in most things, but not all. The cookies came out dry because of the peanut butter difference, and a little crumbly as well, but you know . . . for a low carb sweet, they hit the spot. After refrigerating overnight in an air-tight container, they were quite yummy. Nevertheless, if you’re not worried about the carbs, I would use regular ol’ JIF and sugar for a moister cookie.
Flourless Quick and Easy Peanut Butter Cookies
Recipe By:
– Nadia
Yields: 14-18 cookies
Cookie Ingredients:
1 cup peanut butter
1 egg
1/2 cup sugar
Mix ingredients together for about 2 minutes. Cover and chill in refrigerator for half an hour. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and grease a cookie sheet. Shape dough into small balls (and roll balls in sugar, if you’d like). Use the back of a fork to press balls flat vertically and horizontally (forming that lovely crisscross pattern). Bake for 18 minutes. Allow to cool on wire rack and store in airtight container.
Note: As mentioned above, the low carb version of this won’t be quite as moist, but is yummy as a quick treat. If substituting low carb ingredients (and maybe even if not), I think refrigerating overnight in an airtight container makes the flavor better. If you’re making the regular recipe, I could see these being fantastic with some mini hershey kisses or dipped in jam, as several folks on the original post suggested. Mmm peanut butter cookies! Enjoy!
July 10, 2009 at 1:11 am (16 years ago)There is such a thing as a peanut butter stirrer for natural PB. We used to have 2, remind me to look and see if we still have an extra…
July 10, 2009 at 1:12 am (16 years ago)Ooh, really? Because I’d honestly almost stop buying the natural stuff not to have to stir it anymore. It’s always so much effort to get it mixed properly in the beginning. How does the stirrer work?
July 18, 2009 at 4:04 pm (16 years ago)The stirrer is built into a jar lid. You screw the lid on the jar and turn the crank. Here it is on Amazon:
February 11, 2012 at 6:13 pm (13 years ago)These peanut butter cookies look amazing!