Willow Bird Baking - Page 37 of 127 - lessons in life & kitchen confidence Willow Bird Baking - Page 37 of 127 - lessons in life & kitchen confidence

Salmon Tacos with Cilantro-Lime Slaw

Salmon Tacos with Cilantro-Lime Slaw
Salmon Tacos with Cilantro-Lime Slaw

This post is going to be a midweek sob fest, so let me reassure you before we begin: there’s a taco recipe at the end! And the tacos are super quick and so delicious that Mike and I have eaten them for dinner four nights in a row! It’s all gonna be okay!

Now for the depressing story. I love Susie’s Senior Dogs, an organization that advertises senior rescue dogs on social media to increase their chances of getting adopted. Yesterday they shared Kooper, a deformed dog with many health issues at the overwhelmed and underfunded high-kill Miami-Dade Animal Shelter. Kooper immediately won my heart because of how sweet he seemed despite his unhappy circumstances.

Lemon Cheesecake Kuchen Bars

Lemon Cheesecake Kuchen Bars
Lemon Cheesecake Kuchen Bars

9 Extremely Chocolatey Ways to Treat Yoself on Valentine’s Day

Check out 14 Valentines for Your Chocolate Lover

by Julie Ruble at Foodie.com

Thanks, Foodie, for sponsoring this post.

Mike’s absolute favorite kind of dessert is CHOCOLATE. I’m not a huge chocoholic, though, so we just have it every now and then. I mean, I have to get my 85 bajillion coconut recipes per year in, right? But on Valentine’s Day, I have to cave and create a chocolate masterpiece to show my love. Is your partner the same way? Or are you the chocolate-lover in your family? Either way, I’ve got you covered. Here are 9 Extremely Chocolatey Ways to Treat Yoself on Valentine’s Day! Below each photo, I’ve included the recipe difficulty level. This way you can choose what best fits your time and skill level. I also included 14 chocolatey recipes from some of my favorite bloggers in the slideshow above as an added bonus. Enjoy!


9 Extremely Chocolatey Ways to Treat Yoself on Valentine's Day: SUPER FANCY CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE CAKE
cooking difficulty: intermediate


Hot Crab Dip in a Lemon-Garlic Baguette

Hot Crab Dip in a Lemon-Garlic Baguette
Hot Crab Dip in a Lemon-Garlic Baguette

Peaches and Cream Cheesecake Braid

Peaches and Cream Cheesecake Braid recipe from Willow Bird Baking
Peaches and Cream Cheesecake Braid

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